Toyota Motor Company

Our team was engaged to perform a strategic plan and analysis to identify an appropriate site for the Toyota research and development facility.  The analysis involved many key operational and location requirements by Japan.  The research encompassed the entire Western United States and ultimately resulted in an 11,000-acre land acquisition outside of Phoenix, Arizona.


we managed the negotiations of the land purchase and purchase of required mineral and water rights, without the identity of the client ever disclosed.


Acquired 11,000 acres in a very confidential manner from three different owners.

Purchased all mineral rights on behalf of Toyota.

Purchased water rights on behalf of Toyota.

Acquired FCC and United States Airforce approval to land large aircraft on a runway at site near Luke Air Force Base.

Worked with Corps of Engineers to mitigate concern of water runoff from 10 mile oval test track constructed at site. Acquired rezoning of entire site from municipalities and obtained the conditional use permits required.


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December 12, 2018